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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
208 Pages

Arezu Weitholz / Katrin Funcke

About Mensch

Sketches and looks back at Herbert Grönemeyer's album "Mensch"

How is music created, how is an album created? And what was it like with Herbert Grönemeyer's album "Mensch"? Arezu Weitholz talks about this - in many voices and with great warmth.

Where do melodies come from? What does everything start with? "Everything begins with the sound of friends' voices," says Herbert Grönemeyer. In 2000, he starts working on his album "Mensch" in London, which will land at No. 1 immediately after its release and stay in the charts for 96 weeks. To this day, it is the most successful album by an artist in Germany.
Arezu Weitholz followed the creation process of this album as a dramatic adviser from close up and with this book searches for clues. Memories and anecdotes, coincidences and strange mistakes, happy circumstances and thoughtful moments from numerous interviews with Herbert Grönemeyer, with companions, musicians and friends combine to form an entrancing round dance. Which song lyrics were discarded? What was it like in the studio and later at the concerts? And what is it about the gigantic polar bear?
A book that gives insight into the creative process, that tells of a special artist in a special life situation and of London in the noughties, a city where it drums and bangs and grooves and moshes. A book, an attitude towards life. With beautiful illustrations.

The Author

The Illustrator

Katrin Funcke, freelance illustrator, awarded an Art Director's Club Gold Medal and the Female Artist Award of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, exhibits in numerous institutions and galleries in Germany. People are her favorite subject.



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