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Welcome to our Foreign Rights Department

Dear colleagues,

Verlag Antje Kunstmann is an independent publishing house founded in 1976 and located in Munich. Kunstmann Verlag publishes fiction and non-fiction as well as illustrated and gift books.
In the following list you will find top titles frim our current program and backlist. You can also download our latest Foreign Rights Catalogue. If you are interested in any of our books, please let us know and we will send you a reading copy or pdf.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance.

Best regards
Moritz Kirschner

Foreign Rights Titles


Memewar, Cancel Culture, Remigration, Silencing, Ableism, Woke - WTF is this? Is Germany sovereign and do we have a valid constitution? How do I organize a demonstration? Are sit-in blockades legal? Which tools can we use to trace pictures, statements and videos? How do we deal with hate and ...

20,00 € [D]

The Penguin Who Went To The Oktoberfest

The new children's book by Barbara and Dirk Schmidt! A wild adventure at the most famous folk festival in the world, for which almost no one is too small (or large).

In the Munich Zoo a Penguin dreams of great freedom - he really wants to go to the Oktoberfest. One balmy evening in ...

16,00 € [D]

Amina's Smile

What does origin mean, what does home mean, what does language mean? Björn Bicker's stories hit right to the heart, they are unsparing, of a great warmth and show us that love is perhaps the only reliable certainty. And storytelling.

Amina can't take it anymore, and knocks down a man ...

24,00 € [D]

Your Decision

Unwantedly pregnant? A book that stands by you like your best friend, that educates you like an experienced doctor, and that answers all your legal and bureaucratic questions about abortion. For a self-determined decision.

Every year, around 120,000 women terminate a pregnancy in ...

20,00 € [D]

The Happy Horizon

A foray through eight landscapes: Forest and meadow, moor and heath, fields and rivers, mountains and coasts that shape us - literarily, naturally, historically -, just as we have shaped them since the beginning of mankind.

We live in them, we live from them, and have done so for millennia.

25,00 € [D]

The Boulevard of Terror

A red-hot debut on the most explosive topics of the day! An up-to-the-minute novel about politics and art, facts and fictions, and the question of what one would do for fame and fortune.

Martin Kreutzer wants to get to the top. But as a trainee at a national Berlin daily newspaper, he ...

24,00 € [D]

The Ohnezoo

Torööh, welcome to the Ohnezoo! A zoo without animals, but with people who do their best to replace the animals that have escaped from their enclosures. An elephantine viewing and guessing fun for the whole family.

Oh no, the zoo is left without animals: Animal rights activists have ...

18,00 € [D]

The Great Marie Marcks

To discover, to rediscover: The groundbreaking caricatures and picture stories of Marie Marcks, chronicler of a half-century and feminist pioneer, have remained current and refreshing. Her particular view of the environment and inequality, of men and women, of family, upbringing and education ...

58,00 € [D]

Deaths of Laughter

Christian Boltanski's collection, which he bequeathed to the Valentin-Karlstadt-Musäum in Munich, is surprising. Long kept in secret, this unsuspected gift is now presented in a new form and takes a different look at the work of one of Europe's most important photographic and installation artists.

25,00 € [D]
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