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Coverbild Garden Time von Susanne Wiborg,Julia Guther, ISBN 978-3-88897-562-2
144 Pages

Susanne Wiborg / Julia Guther

Garden Time

The best of Susanne Wiborgs gardening column in the Zeit

Gardening is back! The long winter withdrawal, all that horticultural emotion pent up for so long, combines with the sun to drive people outdoors, usually into the cold air and often into strange entanglements with borders and beds. Anyone who has a garden (or even only a window box) will know what Susanne Wiborg is talking about: nimble nuthatches and rare frogs, the scent of lilac and sweet woodruff, irresistible columbine and irrepressible courgette. And a moribund apple tree which taught her an important lesson: that your garden is fortunately the most reasonable place to fulfil your wildest dreams. Entertaining and ever informative, Susanne Wiborgs regular column in the Zeit has earned her a faithful readership who value her passion and knowledge and simply enjoy reading about her garden adventures and how she learned to prize even the privet.

The Author

The Illustrator

Julia Guther studied architecture, visual communication and illustration. A freelance illustrator and graphic designer, she divides her time between Berlin, Hamburg and Vancouver.

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