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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
272 Pages

Björn Bicker / Andrea Huber

So, what do you believe?

The chorus of the faithful is speaking. But no sooner does one of their number speak than someone else wants their say. They can find no common language but they do form a chorus and they do have an addressee: the non-believers.
Globalization, migration and the loss of religious ties have turned our cities into sites of diversity, religious megacities. But what do their citizens believe? Do they believe that their faith is a private matter? Do people believe that their faith is political? Do they believe in the freedom of the one who thinks differently, in a better world? How do they influence the social and political life of their cities? What expectations do they have of democracy and the state?
Believers and non-believers, the citizens of our towns and cities tell their stories: the brother, the social worker, the DHL courier, the teacher, the journalist. They tell Leila’s story. But as soon as one version ends, another begins. Social life finds a common language. They talk about the youth of today, stake-holding, immigration, home and the dream of a true life. What do they believe politically? Do they allow others their freedom? Are they working towards a better world? How do they influence the social and political life of the city?
Extended research into the religious life of our cities has produced a text at once analytic and poetic, a space for the many voices of reality to resonate.

The Author

The Photographer


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