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0,00 €
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128 Pages

Hooligans Gegen Satzbau / Frauke Seeba / Matthias Seeba-Gomille

Triumph of Knowledge

With disarming wit and dazzling clarity, the Hooligans take original posts from self-styled “staunch defenders” of the German Vaterland and expose them for what they are. Countering the hate speech of social media has never been this much fun. An activity book at just the right time.

For all their supposed fierce defence of their beloved German culture, the people who post their contemptuous, inhuman “opinions” show a curious and total disregard for the rules of German grammar and spelling. Always reprehensible, their chauvinistic messages are sometimes incomprehensible. This provides HoGeSatzbau with the starting point for their timely response.
Their research provides a creative and entertaining political education. Readers have fun “correcting” cryptic messages, solving swastika crossword puzzles and surviving arson attacks “cheerfully.” All the while, we are obliged to look more carefully at what is written and reflect upon its impact.
For, when people incite others to hatred and glorify violence, spread fake news, manipulate images and invent alternative facts, then they poison civil discourse, attack common human decency and endanger democracy.
With the “Hooligans” we dive straight into the murky swamp of social media networks and learn that the best answers to hate speech and rabble-rousing are wit and knowledge.

The Author


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