In his pictures, ATAK turns the tradition-rich art genre still life into an intensely colourful homage to pop art. He is inspired by the world of the popular: friendship books, circus posters, bizarre toys. Vibrant flowers in artfully decorated vases pull the onlooker into the image as if they were attracted by their enticing scent – just like birds or the occasional insect. The comic figures on the other hand look at us as if wanting to tell us a story and hint at all the hidden references. And so, we look and become joyful.
Still and life – ATAK’s still lifes are colourful, playful, magnificent, and poetic – they are vibrant and bright, full of life.
Boxes filled with countless collected items are stacked up in the studio of Berlin-based artist ATAK. From old comic figures to precious masks from all around the globe, the drawers of the plan cabinets are filled with prints, posters, and original drawings by both known and unknown artists and now and then they find their way into the pictures, into still lifes. There they are no longer still. As ATAK says, “they can also be very loud. And express something.”