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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
168 Pages

Sonja Riker / Patrick Wittmann

More Soup Heaven

Two years ago, Sonja Riker, the founder of SUSA’s (Munich’s popular ‘soup kitchen’),
collected some of her favourite soup recipes and presented them in her
first cookbook. Suppenglück (Soup Heaven) was a huge success and has become a
true favourite. In the meantime, Sonja’s passion for soup has grown: ever ready to
experiment and innovate, she brings even greater know-how and creativity to
this, her second book.
Sonja’s soups are not just heart-warming comfort food, but also health-conscious
and energy-giving: real food for both body and soul. There are soups for weekday
suppers, for weekenders away (the soup pot goes, too) and at home (the perfect way to recharge your batteries), perfect soups for party gatherings and luxurious soups for life’s special occasions. And there are colours and flavours from around the globe.
For food lovers and cooking enthusiasts, for those seeking an antidote to the tyranny of ready meals and fast-food outlets, these recipes from SUSA’s are a must... and so, too, is this beautifully presented book.

The Author

The Photographer

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