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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
48 Pages

Doris Knecht / Silke Schmidt

Pregnant and Loving It

There are heaps of books out there offering advice on how to enjoy a responsible, reasonable and all-round healthy pregnancy. Full of tips on what to avoid and what precautions to take, these guides pay scant attention to things that matter just as much: like making sure your mood is positive, avoiding anxiety and enjoying life to the full. Simply getting away. Reading in peace while you still can. Being lazy. Chilling out. Columnist Doris Knecht comes up with some refreshingly original and witty advice and Silke Schmidts wonderfully bright illustrations make this little book the best guide to a cheerful pregnancy.

The Author

The Illustrator

Silke Schmidt, born in 1973, works as an artist and freelance illustrator and lives with her husband and two daughters in the Uckermark region. Her previous books Beautiful: Pregnant and loving it! My pregnancy diary and Beautiful: My Baby. A diary ...

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