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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
28 Pages

Barbara Schmidt / Dirk Schmidt

Caterpillar Berta sits in a Tree

Caterpillar Berta sits in a tree,
Trimming hairs contentedly.
Yawning, stretching, half-a-sleeping
Razor humming, birds-a-cheeping.
When – Splat!
A thick white splodge from a bird in flight
Just misses her… Oh! What a fright.
And the razor tumbles out of sight …

“Hi Caterpillar! What’s new with you?” ask Millipede, Snail, Woodpecker and Spider as the little caterpillar hurries past them. “Anyone seen a razor tumbling by? Don’t ask. I dropped it way up high…” None of her tree neighbours knows where it landed, but they all noticed something whizzing by as Millipede tied his shoelaces, Snail painted her house, and Woodpecker did a spot of carving. And there’s a rather large hole in Spider’s web. Then, from down below, from deep among the roots, comes a rumbling sound and Caterpillar Berta looks around…

The Author

The Illustrator

Dirk Schmidt, born in 1980, studied communication design. He is married and has two daughters. He works as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator in Munich. Together with his mother, he invents picture book stories and illustrates them.

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