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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
48 Pages

Rights sold:
France (Editions Thierry Magnier)
Italy (Orecchio Acerbo Editore)
Spain (Libros del Zorro Rojo)


Pirates in the Garden

Pirates are sneaking around the garden, while Emil and Duckling are playing in the house. Suddenly, a bang: Everything tumbles and ends up in a chaos. Kids will love cleaning up the mess and discover more than just a treasure in the process.
Inside and outside, near and far, loud and quiet, here and there, big and small – ATAK’s joyful, blazingly multi-coloured pictures don’t need many words to tell a compelling story: A gang of scary pirates are sneaking through the garden in a moonlit night, unnoticed by Emil and Duckling who are playing in their cosy room. And if there hadn’t been this deafening bang leaving the house in a tumble, Emil and Duckling might not have had to tidy up. Maybe they wouldn’t have discovered the pirates and the treasure at all. A wonderfully old-fashioned, interactive picture book with pop-up elements. Here, kids can make sense of a topsy-turvy world for themselves while creating their own individual adventure – what more could you want?

The Author

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