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Marie Marcks
No-one fades as beautifully as you! Such a wonderful compliment could scarcely be invented. Rather it is taken from the soundtrack of real life by Marie Marcks, one of Germany's best-known caricaturists and cartoonists. In her latest book she turns to the age-old topic of age, but steers well clear of gerontology and pension provision. With irony and her usual lack of respect, Marcks' picture stories and snapshots take a refreshing look at everyday old age. When does old age actually begin? At forty? At fifty? For Marie Marcks it begins while you're still hanging around bars but start speculating about shared houses as an alternative to nursing homes. It's a creeping condition but over the years the symptoms increase: "Dad, does that old lady want something?"; and there's no ignoring it once your own children start offering to help out: "Well, you're still too fit to have a daily help!"