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Coverbild The Latest News From God von Funny van Dannen, ISBN 978-3-88897-372-7
160 Pages

Funny van Dannen

The Latest News From God

God settles down and starts a family, but not of course in the way ordinary people do. A vacuum cleaner flies half way round the world to meet a vacuum cleaner of the opposite sex. Yellow asters laugh in the face of the autumn. Five friends want to take part in a Formula One Grand Prix, but don't have the right cars, and one day the German Chancellor phones up and says he'd like to camp in the garden... We haven't heard "the latest news from God" in a long time - or from Funny van Dannen. But when Funny van Dannen brings us the latest from God, then we all know it's time to listen! You won't have read such wonderfully absurd, amusing and profound stories in a long time. "They tell us so much about life, in episodes plucked straight from life itself. Funny van Dannen divides Germany: either you love his work, or you haven't read it yet. And now he has written a bestseller." (Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).

The Author

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