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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
64 Pages

Karl Philipp Moritz / Wolf Erlbruch

New ABC-Book

A classic in the history of ABCs interpreted afresh by one of the most successful illustrators working today.
“A children’s book that is so much more. A book for learning to read and write. A conversation between one century and another, between the sceptical enlightener Moritz and the enlightened sceptic Erlbruch. A book about what it means to be human. Where Moritz preaches, Erlbruch finds himself dreaming. Where Moritz admonishes and laments, Erlbruch quietly opens a few windows and doors to the outside world. When Moritz, deeply moved by his own pathos, extols virtue, Erlbruch adds a touch of irony and makes all the world a stage. Where one meticulously dissects, breaking the human down into its essential constituents, assured of the inherent value of human dignity, the other rearranges the letters into something new. And all the while we can hear him cheerfully humming and mumbling and sighing and smiling. Humanity, ah yes.”
Benedikt Erenz, Die Zeit

The Author

The Illustrator

Wolf Erlbruch, was born in 1948, is one of Germany’s most renowned illustrators; his work is respected and loved around the world. Among his many awards, Erlbruch received both the Gutenberg and the German Children’s Book Prize and the Hans ...

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