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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
256 Pages

Natascha Wodin

Night kindred

»Natascha Wodin does not grapple with language; she dwells within it and can authenticate any narrative through the power of her words.« (Der Tagesspiegel)

A slim volume of poetry chanced upon in a bookshop sets in train a passionate love story, an obsession, agony and entanglement. The woman who reads the poems feels “energy emanating from the very first lines, light and darkness, pain and beauty, power … and the world changed for me in an instant because it now held this voice.” The voice of a kindred spirit, the voice of someone lost…but also found, for she moves heaven and earth to meet the author of these poems. He lives a world away, in the other half of a divided Germany. She writes and she rings. And when one day he really appears, her dream comes true. And turns into a nightmare, because the man who arrives and stays is not the man she invented for herself.

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