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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
304 Pages

Moritz Hürtgen

The Boulevard of Terror

A red-hot debut on the most explosive topics of the day! An up-to-the-minute novel about politics and art, facts and fictions, and the question of what one would do for fame and fortune.

Martin Kreutzer wants to get to the top. But as a trainee at a national Berlin daily newspaper, he has to prove himself, because fame and fortune aren't just given to you for free. Lukas Moretti was his fellow student and already a star among the students in Munich back then, but in the meantime he has achieved an international breakthrough with his energetic mix of spoken word, performative art and euphoric electro parties.
Martin promises the editor-in-chief that he will bag the interview with Moretti one hundred percent. He didn't really know him at the time, but what's a little lie if it gives you the chance to travel to Munich at editor’s expense and give your career a kick-start? Unfortunately, Mr. Moretti wants nothing to do with either the newspaper or Martin Kreutzer. But to let someone like Moretti ruin his career before it has really taken off? Who needs such a phrase-monger for an interview full of predictable phrases? So Martin Kreutzer writes all night and in the end is convinced that the editors will appreciate his inventive efforts.
But when Lukas Moretti is found dead, things take an unforeseen course. The editors decide to put Martin on the case and send him to Kirching, a Munich suburb where it all began and will end horribly ...

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