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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
32 Pages

Nadia Budde

Witching Hour

Spookily special – Nadia Budde’s new picture book
All kinds of colourful and rather likeable ghosts and ghoulies are up to no good across the pages of Nadia Budde’s new picture book. Here they are, creeping through walls with cold hands and cold feet; now they’re clanking their chains and rattling old beds … but, look, one is hiding under the bed instead! With its catchy rhymes and captivating characters, this is a book to spook and inspire – a book to read together and laugh over.
Page by page, and one by one, they add up to a glorious gathering, until a great rumpus of phantoms can begin. Spotted sprites and motley ghosts, noisy poltergeists and mean genies, all kinds of good spirits and mischievous imps. Some work on the ghost train, others are busy making their ghastly ghostly goulash …
No-one knows quite where they come from, but we do know who can send them on their way … though, by the end of book, maybe no-one will want to … because they’re not so gruesome after all!

The Author

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