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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
253 Pages

Kathrin Aehnlich

When the whales go ashore

Roswitha Sonntag is on her way to New York. Recently divorced, she knows that now is the time to look for Mick. As students, they were best friends and Mick had been the centre of their clique. Back then, in Leipzig in the eighties, they had all wanted a different kind of life. They took photographs, made films on Russian Super-8 cameras, and staged a rock opera with music from the arch enemy of the state, the USA, providing the soundtrack.
Inseparable and irrepressible, they found the space and scope “underground” to be themselves … as the country slowly began to crumble. But once they left university and were thrown back into the everyday lives they never wanted, strange people began to appear… Mick was the only one who managed to get away, but where is he now?

The Author


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