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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
32 Pages

Hooligans Gegen Satzbau / Frauke Seeba / Matthias Seeba-Gomille

Capt*n Rocket

Capt*n Rocket takes children on an exciting adventure on the high seas. This is a book about important decisions, about helping those in need, sharing pancakes, doing what is right and facing trouble together.

Our Capt*n is called Rocket and she’s been sailing the high seas for days. This is no plasticine figure and now she’s feeling hungry and the sweet smell of pancakes is wafting from the harbour. But storm clouds are gathering, and she knows the duty of a sea captain: to speed to the assistance of anyone in distress at sea. Bravely she jumps into her lifeboat, defies the waves and, just in time, saves Teddy, Bernhard, Spider and Caterpillar from drowning. But will she make it back to the safety of the harbour, to warm suppers and cosy beds?

The Author

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