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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
120 Pages

Silke Schmidt

It’s me!

A diary of the first six years

How the years spin by: one minute the new arrival is your tiny bundle of joy, the next she’s heading off to school. This beautiful diary will help you treasure the many magical moments – the eventful, the everyday – that make up those wonderful pre-school years.
There’s plenty of space for keeping a record of milestones in your child’s development: family celebrations and shared vacations, best friends and funniest sayings, indispensable toys and inseparable furry friends, favourite books and special places, all the fun of mealtimes, bathtimes and bedtimes. There’s space for photos and precious first pictures. Each birthday is celebrated in style and recorded in a special little interview and, of course, there’s a place to mark each step towards independence – nursery, kindergarten and starting school.
With its warm and witty layout, its bright colours and quality design, this album is a very special gift for parents who want to capture this most exciting time in their child’s life… and their own.

The Illustrator

Silke Schmidt, born in 1973, works as an artist and freelance illustrator and lives with her husband and two daughters in the Uckermark region. Her previous books Beautiful: Pregnant and loving it! My pregnancy diary and Beautiful: My Baby. A diary ...

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