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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
206 Pages

Rights sold:
Italy (Keller Editore)
Spain (Beatriz Viterbo Editora)
Argentina (Beatriz Viterbo Editora)

Rayk Wieland

I suggest we kiss

»Most likely the best novel recently written about the GDR!« (TAZ)

Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Mr W. receives an ominous invitation in the post to join a podium discussion on the work of unknown underground poets. He is asked to talk about his work and his experiences as an enemy of the state. At first he thinks it’s just a bad joke. Was he ever even conspicuous as a poet? And was his work ever suppressed? W. makes a few inquiries and asks to see his Stasi file. What a find: his first tentative attempts at lyric poetry are filed away, as are adolescent love letters to Liane in West Germany – all of them meticulously checked, recklessly interpreted and classified as counterrevolutionary.

The Author

All books by the author


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