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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
296 Pages

Peter Probst

How I invented sex

A few weeks ago, twelve year old Peter started collecting mysterious words in a notebook. ‘Immaculate’ and ‘devotion’ and ‘conception’. He’s an altar boy and as devout as his parents whom he can’t ask about the meaning of these words. And he definitely can’t ask them about the words he overheard adults and more knowledgeable classmates say. Words like ‘fornication’, ‘sexual intercourse’, or ‘porn’. He decided that this has to change, he must solve the puzzle. Thank god there is a poster of Franz Joseph Strauss hanging above his bed, giving him important pieces of life advice.
With wit and humour Peter Probst tells about the impertinences of puberty and about how the revolt of an adolescence in the 70s breaks open the conservative milieu – to the adult’s horror, to the reader’s pleasure.

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