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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
440 Pages

Herbert Kapfer


UTOP is a novel with portholes of time facing the present, revealing actions and passing them down through a variety of voices..

UTOP – in this novel, promises of happiness, humanity’s desires, and systems clash. Parallel and conflicting worlds appear in expeditions to virgin soil, interwoven by the story lines of last century’s German science fiction novels. This book is as labyrinthian and contradictory as it is concrete and visionary.
Utopian elements push into depicted realities, stretching and disrupting historical frameworks. In UTOP, the three components of settlers, disciples, and intellectuals weave an intricate network of narrations, episodes, and scenarios of working-class revolutions, a pre-war Bohemian world, and the battle of the sexes. A book on the founding of sects and settlements, land reforms and social-revolutionary experiments; on breeding primitive creatures for work, great battles among spaceships and the intimate meeting between a terrestrial rocket-officer and a peaceful Marsit.
At a utopian congress with major intellectuals of all different nations and epochs, climate activists, as well as Hannah Arendt, Ernst Bloch, Donatella Di Cesare, Charles Fourier, Thomas More, Simone Weil and others rise to speak. Meanwhile, in the house of intelligence, a fight breaks out over the question of biological immortality.

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