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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
32 Pages

Rights sold:
France (Editions La Joie de lire)

Hans Georg Traxler

The Green Boots

The ice is melting, water levels are rising. Suddenly, you meet polar bears and Eskimos at your doorstep. What happened? An incredibly beautiful book about climate change.
Johann’s world is in disarray. His room is underwater, the garden, the fields, the meadows are flooded. Sheets of ice are floating on the water and men and women in Eskimo fur coats are paddling towards him in a kayak. Are they looking for him? He quickly sneaks off to the attic, where his grandmother is sitting in front of the TV, sighing: “The weather’s going completely crazy. Where will this lead us?”
The Green Boots are right on time. Everyone is talking about the climate catastrophe and the children are listening. But how do they perceive what grown-ups are talking about? Perhaps exactly the way Hans Traxler depicts it: through the dreamlike images of a fantastical story. They come to us, the large and small polar bears, the sledge dogs and seals, the enormous walruses, the Eskimos – is this reality or is it just a dream?

The Author

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