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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
32 Pages

Rights sold:
Brazil (Editora Schwarcz)
China (New Buds Publ.)
Croatia (ibis-grafika)
Denmark (Høst & Son)
France (La Joie de Lire)
Italy (e/o)
Lithuania (Vš\x1A leidykla „Odil\x1A“)
Netherlands (Hoogland & Van Klaveren)
Poland (Hokuspokus)
Romania (Pandora)
Russia (Samokat)
Slovakia (Slnieckovo)
Spain (Barbara Fiore)
South Africa (Protea Bookhuis)
South Korea (Woongjing)
Sweden (Lindskog)
Thailand (Stranger's Book)
Turkey (Teas Yayincilik)
Taiwan (Alvita Publishing Co.)
Ukraine (Vydavnytstvo)
USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand (Gecko Press)

Wolf Erlbruch

Duck, Death and Tulip

103.000 copies sold!

Duck had had a funny feeling for a while. One morning she glanced over her shoulder.
"Who are you? Why are you creeping along behind me?"
"Good. You've finally noticed me," said Death. "I am Death." Duck was startled. You couldn't blame her for that. "And now your'e here to carry me off?" "It's not a question of that," smiled Death. "Im close to you as long as you live - just in case." "Just in case?" asked Duck. "Well, in case something happens to you. A bad cold, an accident - you never know." You never know. But one thing you do know is that Wolf Erlbruchs poetic stories and pictures will provide beautifully simple answers to life's big questions - for both young and old. This is why his work has been distinguished with many prizes, most recently the Hans Christian Andersen Prize.

The Author

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