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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
448 Pages

Marie Marcks

The Great Marie Marcks

Two-volume edition

To discover, to rediscover: The groundbreaking caricatures and picture stories of Marie Marcks, chronicler of a half-century and feminist pioneer, have remained current and refreshing. Her particular view of the environment and inequality, of men and women, of family, upbringing and education tells how it was and how it could, indeed should, be.

For almost half a century, Marie Marcks commented on the political events of the Federal Republic with her caricatures, first in the small but fine science-political magazine Atomzeitalter, then for many years in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, then everywhere: in Spiegel, Zeit, FAZ, Brigitte. It was the special view of the circumstances that distinguished her caricatures. Who among the (male) guard of caricaturists would have drawn Chancellor Erhard as a coffee pot and the citizens as collecting cups? Or juxtaposed the man carrying heavily against the world with a cheerful woman advising him: "Roll that thing, stupid"? Or the compliment to an older woman "None wilts as beautifully as you!" put into the picture with fine irony?
In her drawn autobiography "Marie, es brennt!" she tells of her life in a tone that immediately captures you, in delicate and incisive images that atmospherically capture life, her life.
On the occasion of her 100th birthday on August 25, 2022, we commemorate with these two volumes the "grand master who is - on paper - detective, lawyer, judge and law enforcement officer in one person" (F.W. Bernstein) and an icon for not only a generation of women.

The Author

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