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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
64 Pages

Horst Klein

The Ohnezoo

Torööh, welcome to the Ohnezoo! A zoo without animals, but with people who do their best to replace the animals that have escaped from their enclosures. An elephantine viewing and guessing fun for the whole family.

Oh no, the zoo is left without animals: Animal rights activists have freed them all! How can children now be shown the lions, monkeys and elephants, the hippos, llamas and flamingos? Fortunately, dedicated parents, retirees, professionals, the unemployed and other volunteers can be found to help: The PEKiP group Oppum with kit and caboodle. The craftsman Hans Kopka, who arrives with his hammer. Or Fritze Schurek, retired fairground boxer. They climb into the enclosures, cages and pools, and all do their best to replace the absent animals. Now it's just a matter of guessing which animals they want to represent ...
With its witty illustrations accompanied by rhymed quatrains - the "guessing rhymes" - this book is great fun to look at, read aloud and guess, which will delight children of reading age as well as adults with a sense of humor.

The Author

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