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0,00 €
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216 Pages

Laura Dornheim

Your Decision

Everything you need to know about abortion

Unwantedly pregnant? A book that stands by you like your best friend, that educates you like an experienced doctor, and that answers all your legal and bureaucratic questions about abortion. For a self-determined decision.

Every year, around 120,000 women terminate a pregnancy in German-speaking countrie, every fourth woman decides to have an abortion in the course of her life. There are many reasons for this, and it is the women's right to make this decision themselves and not to be patronized.
But how do I come to the right decision for me? How much time do I have? How do I get the consultation certificate, how do I find a doctor who can perform the abortion? Is surgery or medication the proper treatment for me? What costs will I have to pay? And how do I deal with the situation, with all my feelings, the opinions and expectations from outside?
Laura Dornheim provides the affected person with supportive, friendly and comprehensive information. In addition to the factual information, she has included personal accounts of experiences as well as comments from experts, doctors and counselors. Background information on the biological details of early pregnancy and on the legal and political situation surrounding §218, as well as an extensive service section, round off the book.

The Author

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