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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
144 Pages

Christian Maintz

Love in Localities

And to end that perfect day,
What a feeling, what a treat,
Eating bamboo shoots and beet
From the Chinese take-away.

And what a treat it is to enjoy the sound of Christian Mainz, “end-rhymer extraordinary”. Fans of humorous poetry will be familiar with his work from various anthologies. Liebe in Lokalen is the first collection of all his poetry. His poems address the mysteries of love: conjuring the ecstasy of encounters on the Intercity, at the sausage stand and in the lido at Bad Oldesloe. They quiz the great thinkers and poets – the likes of Goethe, Kant and Nietzsche - , take us on a partridge shoot and provide insight into the love life of wild boars, insects and rodents. With their wit, intelligence, poetry – and those wonderful rhymes – this is pure reading pleasure.

The Author


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