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0,00 €
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264 Pages

Kay Uwe Hoppe / Dominik Klier / Theo Lindinger

Caspar Plautz

Recipes with Potatoes

With their small potato stand “Caspar Plautz” on the Viktualienmarkt in Munich, the authors have made it their mission to clear up this misconception; and the name reflects the aim: Caspar Plautz was an Austrian monk who published the first potato recipes in 1621, shortly after the potato’s arrival in Europe. However, this reference to times long past is not rooted in nostalgia but refers to a sustainable approach to food that is environmentally friendly, healthy and also enriches our culinary tradition. Caspar Plautz. Recipes with Potatoes is an ode to the potato in all its beauty and variety, reminding us of just how much life and happiness these tubers can contain.

This cookbook invites you to explore the world of the potato anew, making this modest root shine with old splendor through new recipes.
Tater, spud, earthapple, tuber, murphy – there are many names for the potato, and even more varieties of this “unfathomable blessing, emerging from the soil” (Goethe ).
Hardly any other side dish evokes such an abundance of memories: grandma’s juicy potato salad, mum’s crispy potato fritters or the taste of the slightly too salty chips at the public pool. Yet hardly any other food is so vastly misjudged regarding its quality and variety.

The Author

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