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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
36 Pages

Rights sold:
China (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing)

Barbara Schmidt / Dirk Schmidt

Glub... Glug... Help

The little blue elephant is back and ...GLUG ...in a spot of bother.
Can you help him?
Following his tribulations in the very popular "Kamfu mir helfen",
the little blue elephant is back for another (mis)adventure and once again he’s falling over his own
feet. He trips on a rock and ends up at the bottom of a lake. Luckily his trusty
trunk reaches the surface! It doesn’t take long until a fish swims by and the little
elephant can ask for help.
It was a rock that made me stumble,
Lose my footing, take a tumble.
Down and down I slithered, crashed,
Hit the water splish and splash.
So, here I sit. Can’t swim, you see.
Have you come to rescue me?
Mightily impressed by the elephant’s fins, the little fish is full of confidence ... but
his rescue efforts don’t work at all. Others – frog, crocodile and octopus (living in
exile far from the sea!) – can’t help either. In the end, rescue comes from on high ...
but there’s a catch!

The Author


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