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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
88 Pages

Silke Schmidt

Beautiful: My Baby.

A diary for baby’s first year

A very special gift for new mothers.

This beautifully presented album with illustrations by Silke Schmidt is packed with ideas and provides plenty of space to capture all those precious memories of baby’s first year. The new arrival and their eager visitors, first nights and favourite walks, first meals and teething troubles, pet names and cuddly toys, favourite games and new friends. And there’s space for photos, greeting cards and anything else you treasure. A revised and updated new edition of this very special gift for new mothers everywhere.

Also available in this series: So schön schwanger. Mein Schwangerschaftstagebuch (Beautiful: Pregnant and loving it! My pregnancy diary).

The Illustrator

Silke Schmidt, born in 1973, works as an artist and freelance illustrator and lives with her husband and two daughters in the Uckermark region. Her previous books Beautiful: Pregnant and loving it! My pregnancy diary and Beautiful: My Baby. A diary ...

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