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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
36 Pages

Barbara Schmidt / Dirk Schmidt

Never Ever!

Take a mighty king, a beautiful princess and her devoted count and what do you get? A fairy tale, perhaps, but certainly not one that opens with „Once upon a time …“ Instead, we cut straight to the chase: the princess is throwing a party, a young count walks into the room. He looks at her, she looks at him and soon both are brimming over with happiness. They take to the dance floor to waltz and twist and minuet ... and the assembled company joins in a collective sigh of „Ah, don’t
they make a perfect couple!“
The only problem is the king, who doesn’t want to lose his beloved daughter. And no matter how many wondrous gifts the count lays at the king’s feet – let him bring the world, music, new sports equipment – the king’s response is always the same: Give my daughter to you? Never ever! Dirk Schmidt has created enchanting illustrations to accompany Barbara Schmidt’s delightful rhyming tale. His pictures playfully capture the timelessness of fairy tales, the age-old battle between good and evil, but place them firmly in the here and now. And, of course, it all turns out well in the end: the young count
and the beautiful princess fly away on a dragon to live happily ever after…

The Author


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