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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
144 Pages

Axel Hacke

The Best of My Love Life

A Small Guide to Relationships

“I read in the paper that 75% of women on their wedding day hope that their husband will change in the course of their marriage. But that 75% of men hope their wife does not change. I mentioned this to Bruno over a drink the other day. He shook his head despondently and mumbled ‘It says it all. It really says it all.’”

In his new book "Das Beste aus meinem Liebesleben" (The Best of My Love Life), Axel Hacke has collected tales from the morass we call living together: he goes to the very heart of such fundamentals as hanging curtains, squeezing toothpaste, going out, staying in, losing keys, shopping together. These are stories written by life itself, but captured as only Axel Hacke knows how and told here with his characteristic wit and warmth.

The Author


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