South Korea (Bookline)
Taiwan (iFront)
Axel Hacke / Thomas Matthaeus Müller
The memoirs of a man in the prime of life
There's no way round it: we simply have to survive the ordeal by fire and sword that is everyday life. Sometimes we just can't face the day ahead. "Life involves so many decisions: this way or that, stand still, go back, headfirst into the wall? Early morning: Coffee? Tea? Rolls or toast? Some days its not a problem, but there are times when I'm so indecisive, I could still be in the kitchen in the evening…"There are times when we might feel like staying in the kitchen, brooding, never making another decision, but of course that's impossible: children have to go to school, and we have to go to work. Only Bosch, the melancholy old refrigerator, chills the beer and wine and waits … waits for us to get home, where we can finally settle down again to more of Axel Hacke's tales of everyday life.