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Coverbild I won't tell you again! von Axel Hacke,Thomas Matthaeus Müller, ISBN 978-3-88897-247-8
150 Pages

Rights sold:
South Korea (Bookline)
Taiwan (iFront)

Axel Hacke / Thomas Matthaeus Müller

I won't tell you again!

The memoirs of a man in the prime of life

There's no way round it: we simply have to survive the ordeal by fire and sword that is everyday life. Sometimes we just can't face the day ahead. "Life involves so many decisions: this way or that, stand still, go back, headfirst into the wall? Early morning: Coffee? Tea? Rolls or toast? Some days its not a problem, but there are times when I'm so indecisive, I could still be in the kitchen in the evening…"There are times when we might feel like staying in the kitchen, brooding, never making another decision, but of course that's impossible: children have to go to school, and we have to go to work. Only Bosch, the melancholy old refrigerator, chills the beer and wine and waits … waits for us to get home, where we can finally settle down again to more of Axel Hacke's tales of everyday life.

The Author

The Illustrator

Thomas Matthaeus Müller lives and works in Leipzig. An artist and illustrator, he is professor at the Institute for Graphics and Illustration. Born in 1966, he has been asking questions ever since and finds they just keep coming.



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