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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
80 Pages

Rights sold:
France (L'Inventaire)
Japan (Kodansha)
Spain (Barbara Fiore)
South Korea (Changhae)
Taiwan (Grimm Press)

Axel Hacke / Michael Sowa

Hacke´s Animal Lives

It really was a good idea of the LORD's, wasn't it, to make the animals? HE showed great imagination in creating the axolotl, for example, the trichina and the orang-utan, the zebra and the sea snail. Such weird and wonderful ideas! Could we have come up with anything as unusual as that? HE's simply the best - and HE must have had such fun way back then. And what about us today? So far removed from the animals and yet at such pains to be so close to them, sharing the joys of the LORD in his creation. Let us be honest: we want to know how the herring feels in the icy oceans, what budgerigars are trying to tell us with their constant chatter. So that's why we have to create something new: a sensitive zoology, a sympathetic study of the animals for a humanity far removed from them, but well versed in psychology and empathy.

The Author

The Illustrator

Michael Sowa, born 1945, has spent his life in Berlin. He studied art and education, and has been a freelance artist since 1975. Olaf Gulbransson Prize (1995).



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