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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
288 Pages

Rights sold:
Japan (Sanshusha)
South Korea (Woongjin Think Big)

Axel Hacke

Everyday Life as a Man

Axel Hackes famous column "The Best Days of My Life" has appeared in the supplement of the Süddeutsche Zeitung week in, week out for the last six years. In this latest update, he continues his reflections on the everyday life of a man in his prime, which he shares with his wife Paola and small son Luis, and of course his talking refrigerator Bosch. Forty of the "best of the best", are published here for the first time in book form. Filled with humour and melancholy, they answer questions we all ask ourselves: Why do great athletes have personal trainers and I don't? Why do the Chinese number their dishes? Why do I always choose the wrong queue at the supermarket checkout? How do you access your mobile's voicemail? Do refrigerators dream? Why does it always rain where Im on holiday? Axel Hacke has recorded some of the answers. After all, thats what he's here for.

The Author


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