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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
320 Pages

Rights sold: Frankreich (Edition Métaillé)
Russland (EXEM Licence)

Kristof Magnusson

Doctors. A Novel

A funny, true-to-life look at our social reality - the new novel by Kristof Magnusson.

A hot summer in Berlin.
Anita Cornelius loves her work as an emergency doctor at a big Berlin hospital. She has just the right temperament to deal with the unexpected. She's in a position to help people. And even do some good now and then.
Her ex-husband Adrian is a doctor at the same hospital. Recently they separated on good terms, and their fourteen-year-old son Lukas lives with his father and his father's new girlfriend, Heidi.
Anita could keep pretending that everything is just fine. If only she hadn't happened to find Adrian unconscious in the hospital restroom, high on anesthetic. If only Heidi wouldn't keep making casual remarks about how life is what you make it and how the poor and the sick are often to blame for the situation they're in. Nothing is just fine. Not her private life, not her professional life.

With great authenticity, Kristof Magnusson describes the everyday life of an emergency doctor and her patients. Above all, he writes humorously and entertainingly about a woman in her early forties who wants more than routine and an affluent lifestyle.

The Author


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