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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
256 Pages

Alexandra Klobouk / Rita Cortes Valente de Oliveira / Eva Gonçalves / Luis Ehlert / Ricardo Jorge Pereira / Mariana Veloso

A Cozinha Portuguesa

Portuguese Cooking

A celebration of Portuguese cozinha and cultura – and a veritable feast for the eyes!
Two years ago illustrator Alexandra Klobouk left Berlin for Lisbon and was struck immediately by the way young people there celebrate the culture of their country and above all its culinary traditions. Together with her new-found friends, she tried out delicious Portuguese recipes and she began to draw: ovos verdes (green eggs) and other delicious petiscos (starters); the famous bean stew, feijoada; fresh seafood; bacalhau, the dried and salted cod you find everywhere and in many different guises; coelho borracho (drunken rabbit ); the array of sweets, cakes and pastries.
Portugal’s cuisine offers a treasure trove of undiscovered recipes – often simple combinations of just a few fine ingredients – that taste of the sun and the sea, fresh herbs and olive oil, lemon and cinnamon.
Every beautifully illustrated page and exquisite photograph in A Cozinha Portuguesa shows that cooking is one of the most pleasurable forms of cultural exchange. This captivating book not only demonstrates how things are made but also tells the stories behind the dishes, praises culinary finesse and proves that cooking and eating together are quite simply the stuff of happiness.

The Author

The Photographer

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