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0,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
367 Pages

Frauke Seeba / Matthias Seeba-Gomille


A political participatory book

Memewar, Cancel Culture, Remigration, Silencing, Ableism, Woke - WTF is this? Is Germany sovereign and do we have a valid constitution? How do I organize a demonstration? Are sit-in blockades legal? Which tools can we use to trace pictures, statements and videos? How do we deal with hate and conspiracy narratives on the net and among friends?

Since 2014, net activists Frauke and Matze Seeba, known as Hooligans Against Sentence Construction, have staunchly been exposing defenders of the German fatherland, populist patriots, and blathering conspiracy preachers online. In their political book AKTIVISTMUST they share their experiences and show what we can do concretely against right-wing propaganda, conspiracy narratives and disinformation.
Eye-opening humor, factual information, creative tasks and helpful instructions, counteract the feeling of powerlessness and motivate us to become active ourselves. A strong, important and not least funny plea to switch on one's head, open one's mouth and become active against group-related misanthropy. A book that will set a precedent.

The Author


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